The challenge is to find the best possible employee for your business.
In todays busy world and economy, finding and hiring the best possible people is critical for every business.
In the past 6 months we were looking for a person to take over and support the development of additional distributions channels in our company. What would be the best combination of the skills needed, like integrity, motivation, talent, performance, knowledge and experiance? Should one be ready to sacrify one or another of the skills to get more of the other one, or the perfect combination is the always the best choice?
For now we have concentrated on the integrity and motivation and are ready to carify a bit experiance. We will see how i works out.
But we will be very happy to find a proper input regarding such cases.
Hi Nikolay,
Only you can define what a perfect candidate is. In case you need structure in the process, I would recommend to define the employment model you want to pursue first -take a look at this summary (research by Diane Burton):
This will help you identify whether you want to be surrounded by stars, or a close community of friends that are not necessarily the top performers in the industry. Please note that all models have their pros and cons.
A good next step would be to identify some "success drivers" - traits that are important for you and the team (e.g. adaptiveness to change; ability to create and maintain lasting relationships; ability to follow through plans, etc.)
After that, you have to start looking for these traits in your candidates. The best way is to look for hints in their previous experience (not necessarily work-related).
Please also take a look at this research - it will help you create a selection process that will yield the best results:
Hope that helps.