Process improvement

Look for hints around the Toyota Production System to create sketches

24.06.2019 at 22:54 h

Anja A lean manager who focus on implementation of changes in ...


Hello everybody who might be interested,

I am a lean manager and just trying to look out of a new perspective on the Toyota Production System. I would like to bring together Sketchnoting and the Toyota Production System.

Do you have hints where to look for great pictures, sketches or inspirating articles related to the lean philosophy?

Any hint is welcome and thx in advance.


Answer the challenge

Wouter COO


You may find this an interesting article:




Thx for your hint Wouter.

Marieta Lean Consultant Legal Sector



Hi Anja, 


one of my favourite pictures for Lean was showed by Milena Ribarova ( another user here on the platform) and I am attaching it here.


Overall there are really good Lego pics online, so you can browse and see as it fits. 


You can check the answers on that challenge:


As there are really good suggestions for videos for a presentation.


VideoScribe is another nice tool you can create animated sketches. 


What is the exact thing you want to show and where?


Hope that helps, 




Hello Marieta, thx for your reply. I would like to sketch things out of the Toyota Productions system in humorous way. An example you will find here: So I asked myself if somebody else has some stories or pictures around Lean Management which I just could sketch. I am thinking aboug a training where I try to combine sketching and lean. If you have any ideas regarding something like that, please let me know. Thx again for your inspiration. Anja



Hi Anja, I really liked your blog and what you are trying to sketch. What about a video about making a coffee, shared by Bogdan Deris in his channel : That is an example of identifying and eliminating waste: - Seeing waste; - Eliminating waste; - Calculating impact.



5S (Sort, Set In order, Shine, Standardise and Sustain)- representing fridge organisation can be another example.






My youtube sketches were removed? [removed]

Chuck LEAN Business Consultant


Hi Anja:

Here are some TPS sketches for you:


I hope this helps you.












I had good sketches: all were removed: sorry? I won't give up, Anja Please try youtube: [removed]

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