Covid-19 has forced companies to start remote working overnight. I'd love to understand what is working really well from a process + tools POV.
1. Are there any project based tools such as Asana/Trello that have video calling function integrated? e.g you can call from the platform and it will help reduce the admin aspect e.g. booking into calendars, recording session, dictation...
2. Aside from the traditional agile practices are there any tips that to keep people aligned, productive + engaged on a daily basis?
Hi Liz,
on your first question - I used to use Bitrix24. It combines Project management and Collaboration / communication tools
On the second one, I see that Marieta has already shared with you some of the tips that I have recently shared. As they were the top 5 areas there are also other useful hints that can be shared. Here I will share 2 more of them (let's say this is 6th and 7th) :
- stay virtually close to your Customer. Whether you're working on a project inside your Company or for an external Customer, you have a Customer. Do not focus on communication with the Project team only. Keeping the close connection with the customer will help you to stay on track regarding all the tasks for which you need the customer's input as well as you will show your respect even in these hard times
- try to synchronize all electronic channels of receiving information - email, messenger, collaboration platform, social media apps, others on one device (mobile). This way you won't miss any message, meeting on an event. At this time when at home, there is no excuse to be far from the electronic devices so all your customers, colleagues, bosses expect your prompt answers. At the same time, you will be able to enjoy some personal activities. Working from home usually extends your working hours so it's important that you can both enjoy your stuff and stay connected to react immediately.
For the next 3 tips we can further connect :)
Stay safe