I believe in women running businesses. How do you feel about this?
What are some of the challenges for women running businesses?
With an understanding of issues and hurdles that hold women back from starting their own businesses, there are some important ways that these women can be encouraged to step into this arena. These include providing information on the key basics of starting a new business, turning myths into strengths, and good mentoring programs.
Key Steps in Starting a Business
The number of women starting and running their own businesses is steadily growing. Whether the business idea is home-based or run from a commercial office, a few key steps can help successfully get the business off the ground.
What are these steps?
One step is planning:
Planning: The first step, before anything else, is to assess how feasible the [removed] is. The way to do this is most often to write up a detailed and formal [removed] . However, this can also be done informally by [removed] on a piece of paper. The main questions to ask and answer include an assessment of the need and demand for the product/service to be sold, potential competition, potential target and niche markets as well as demographics.
Of course, funding is a major challenge.
What are your comments and what can you add to this list of challenges?
Generally, women feel that finding financing is the hardest part of their launch.
Resources to Use