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What is a management consultant and how can I use him/her?

21.05.2018 at 14:22h

Hi Elena,   As Alex already mentioned, a management consultant can provide an AS-IS analysis of your business (maybe a SWOT analysis) and challenge you to take that step back and find the areas that can be improved (e.g. how to decrease cost, how to increase revenue, how to better use your time, how to increase your real estate portfolio, etc).    For your specific case, I would recommend to liaise with a freelance consultant rather than a big consulting company, because the cost will be much... read more


How to drive change in a small organisation

16.10.2019 at 23:16h

Hi,  For me, change management is an umbrella term for a set of activities that lead towards something new. These activities quite often include: project management planning stakeholder management internal communication financial management vendor management I would definitely advise you to start thinking about those skills in your current team/organisation. What you need to prepare is: a Change Curve; a distribution of the current people in the organisation into 3 categories: early adopte... read more


How would you run a Change Program to make the company good at change?

24.10.2019 at 19:07h

Hi Marieta,  I think my answers below can be a good start for your challenge: https://consulthon.com/challenge/374/how-to-drive-change-in-a-small-organisation If I can use your questions and elaborate more below:   Do you have a framework that you use?  You can create any framework as long as it contains the following boxes: understand deeply the technical aspects of the change (SMEs will help you with that if you engage them); plan for work and engagement with the 3 types of employees: earl... read more


What type of innovation are you talking about?

13.11.2020 at 00:30h

Hi Chuck,  You have opened a big topic. Innovation in each company will mean different things.  Corporations: I have seen insurance companies who mainly use Excel for inputting data, analysing and even reporting to Board. Using software like Tableau will be innovation for them. On the other hand, there are companies who try to implement in the majority of their processes RPA and AI. Quite often I have seen companies who bought many different softwares and systems, however they don't speak wit... read more


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