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Business Management

How to best use seasonal workforce?

01.12.2017 at 11:54 h

Hi All, Being the season of internships and training, I would like to open the precedent of using University and High-school students in my organisation.  Now I am writing a case study in order to prove the use of them. I would like to build a policy where the students will also be able to learn useful practices and our company will really feel their help. HOW DO YOU REAP THE BENEFITS OF A SEASONAL WORKER? HOW DO YOU MAKE IT A MEANINGFUL WIN-WIN SITUATION? read more

Digital & Technology

What are good mobile applications for small businesses?

01.12.2017 at 11:33 h

Hi, For small businesses, being away from the office makes it difficult to share data and be available to customers. How to overcome that? read more

Digital & Technology

How to use Cloud Storage efficiently?

01.12.2017 at 11:32 h

Hi all, Lack of time and resources for IT tasks can cause big headaches for overworked small businesses. How can I improve that in my company and for my team? read more

Business Management

How to begin to tame the data for my use as a Manager?

28.11.2017 at 01:41 h

Hi All, Recently I read an article where one wise data scientist intoned, "At the end of the most complicated and exhaustive analysis of data, a human being still has to draw an inference and make a decision." And when we reach that point where we have to assess the meaning of the data analysis, our biases come into play. Many of us tend to trust or rely on data that supports our positions and expectations and suppress data that does the opposite. We also trust data from sources we like or, w... read more



How to improve ineffective meetings?

27.11.2017 at 12:53h

Hi Iva, Effective meetings require a strong leadership presence. You have to organize and drive the meeting. Set a clock to keep meetings to a specific time. Let everyone know what you will be discussing during the meeting and send out a recap afterward. Most importantly, always end every meeting with action items. read more


How to prevent lost files situation?

27.11.2017 at 12:54h

Hello Kenneth,  I agree with the Leadership solution above and it can be matched with an IT Solution for better results: Give your employees the tools they need to make file sharing easy and uniform. Maybe it’s integrating a tool like Dropbox. It could also involve training people to use tools like Google Docs or Quip for group editing of documents. read more


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